wElcOME aBOArd

wElcOME aBOArd

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Loving a sailor is a high price to pay
Loving him truly is hard when he is away
Its being alone with nothing to hold
Its being young ,but feeling so old
Its having him whisper his love for you
Its whispering back you love him tooo
There comes a kiss and a promise for more
As his ship slowly glides away from the shore
Reluctantly painfully letting her go
While your inside are dying from wanting him so
Watching him leave with eyes full of tears
Standing alone with your hopes, dreams and fears
Its sending a letter with the stamp upside down
To a faraway love in a far away town
Its going to temple to kneel and pray
And really meaning the things to say
Being in love will foster your dreams
Of that far away sailor your mind fairly beams
Days go by , no mail for a spell
You wait for some word to hear that hes well
Then a letter arrives and you are given in
To open his letter and read it with a grin
Yes he is well and misses u so
And filled with the love you wanted to know
Weeks are like months, and months are like years
You wait for the day when you’ll have no more fears
Days go by slowly, how many have passed
The suddenly you realize its here at last
Yes loving sailor bitterness and fears
Loneliness, sadness and despondent years
Loving a sailor is no fun
But its worth the price when the battle is won
And remember he is thinking of you everyday
Hes sad and hes lonely while so far away
So love him and miss him and hold your head high
Be strong and have faith , wipe that tears from your eyes
Your man is a seafarer like that old ancient trader
It’s a high price you pay for “LOVING A SAILOR”


  1. awesome work da.Very moving.BEING a SAILOR will be a more apt headline

  2. Yes he is well and misses u so
    And filled with the love you wanted to know

    My favourite lines...

  3. da frm where u adichu matal this??
    any ways gud one

  4. its a copied stuff but the words are very true for all sailors.. so just pasted it here!

  5. Wow ... Very well executed my frnd! I dont think the experience could be told in a better way.Reading I had a feeling as though it was really happening ! So Great Work..
    Hats off!!!

  6. & hey U forgot to thank me like in the movies for the GUEST APPEARANCE :)
